November 2, 2012

Un-comfortably Numb

Recently I've discovered that I can indeed (& technically) live without music... That it is possible......

But I don't want it to be.

Because I just can't live happily- healthy- sanely, without the terrific sound waves that soothe my very cheesy soul.
When you hear a symphony, a slow tune, a heart-wrenching poem filled with so much emotion, it hits you. you can't help but feel something and be awoken- feel alive and present.
And that's a feeling I want to always walk with.
Life is for Living and you see, living isn't living if nothing is felt.

September 10, 2012


Ever since my camera has broken, my inspiration might be a little temporarily broken.
but that's no fun.

I guess what I always have loved about film and photography was capturing how I truly saw someone. Catching them at their most vulnerable, most unrefined , rawest , moments. Showing them that they are beautiful without even trying. and the feeling of having captured just that, with it being saved for eternity made me feel super human.

of course I do find myself realizing these things late at night, maybe it's my rawest moment..I don't know.

May 4, 2012

aspire to inspire before you expire

"I decided, very early on, just to accept life unconditionally; I never expected it to do anything special for me, yet I seemed to accomplish far more than I had ever hoped. Most of the time it just happened to me without my ever seeking it.
" -The very beautiful-inside -and -out -, Miss Audrey Hepburn

Now this was a role model to look up to. There is a good reason why she still is an icon, up until this day.
Not just because her style was impeccable, or how her face may well have been carved by angels...
But what truly made her a lady is the way she saw the world.

So this is my toast to the inspiring humanitarian, fashion icon, and leader, on what would have been an 83rd birthday today.
Cheers *clink*